Tuesday, October 11, 2011

system or technology failure

Each post at my blog site is supposed to show at least three photos or images by my own standard.

So I have done it. Each time, with my new blog, I included images between paragraphs.

It looked fine whenever I post them.

But a few days or even hours later, those images were gone although it left an image of X which
shows a visible image used to be here.

I blamed my outdated and retarded skills of using such advanced technology allowing me to post and
preen images. By making some efforts to fix the problem, I had to wreck my slow brain and fingers.
Again, beating up my pathetic ability of managing a blog site was not uncommon.

But some jaw-dropping news hit my eyes: my blog website is partially flawed.
Some users of www.blogger.com complaint the same problem as follows:

* unfortunately my images have disappeared again.  i put my feed back onto my blog and the instant i did that the images were gone. 

How long has this been going on, do you know? I just checked my own. One blog--my photoblog--has shown no images for some time

* images in my posts are not showing up on the reading list.  when i view the blogs i follow, in the reading list i can see their text as well as an image.  why does mine only show text?

Such issues sharing is a little shot in the arm to me. 

Technology gives you sickness and medicine. Don't let it control you.... 

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