Monday, October 17, 2011

College education hype

Just shocking and jaw dropping to know that

1. The top 1 percent of Americans possess more wealth than the entire bottom 90 percent.

2. The 400 wealthiest Americans have a greater combined net worth than the bottom 150 million Americans.

Thus the United States is a more unequal society than either Tunisia or Egypt.

Wow, Wow, and Wow.

No wonder why the Occupy Wall Street movement has gained such support, although the top 1 percent would less likely to care about it.

How can we bring a more equal society with the movement?

Elizabeth Warren, Democratic candidate for a Senate seat in Mass., insinuates some suggestions to narrow down the gap between the rich and poor in a polite manner, but
I interpret them with my own self-comfortable words:

1. disassemble big corporation system
2. incarcerate well-paid lobbyists
3. bombard the rich with super taxes
4. revolutionize D.C. weirdos
5. stop greedy corporations from using roads, public safety agencies, and education systems paid by
    the taxes.

She seems to be determined to help the middle class to get back to the society to support a healthier system of the nation. Her ideals can be embedded with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel who understands the significance of revolution for the education.

Emanuel recognizes that even though Chicago has thousands of job openings, not many young people can fill due to lack of skills. A lot of jobs in the fields of technical, engineering service technicians, and welders are open with high pay (for example, average welder's earning: $40 per hour). Yet openings go unfilled. The U.S. education system which always emphasizes advantage of college education needs to be altered, and the mayor must spearhead.

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