Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Same Old

A housewife or stay-at-home mom asks herself today as usual, “What do I have to cook for dinner?” Although her husband and kids are coming home soon or later, dinner menu hasn’t been fixed yet.

Instead of cooking for dinner, she might think about ordering pizza or eating out. But the latter costs too much money in this tough period of economic recession, and the former makes her feel guilty of abandoning her responsibility as a mom and wife who is determined to look after her family with healthy food and comfort home atmosphere.  

She eventually ends up stopping by a near Chinese restaurant to take out such items: noodle, Koongpao chicken, fried rice, Mongolian beef, and sweet sour pork. These menus look healthier than pizza and cheaper than dining in. She applauses her wisdom and decisive mind, thinking with a smile that mission is accomplished, at least for tonight.

In a similar way, I need to post a blog twice a week. I have fixed Tuesday and Thursday as my blogging days. But today, nothing seems to attract me to blog about. This morning the temperature when I left my place was around below freezing point so I had to use my ice scraper to get the windshield visible. 

That reminds me of the privilege of having a car garage. Having a car garage is definitely one of the American dreams. And the dream will be seasonally forgotten until next winter. Anyway like a stay-at-home mom, I had to improvise a topic for today’s blog to write something about, and I end up doing this, at least….  

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